Monday, January 25, 2010

Stepping into the 90's

Happy Monday lovely friends and fans of Vintage Clutch Divas,

well we know the title is misleading as for the year is now 2010 and we've past the last year of the 90's eleven years ago...:) but if you must know, be aware that the 90's have been slowing gaining speed in a rebirth just like any decade does. The 70's emerged in the 90's and just recently the 80's was all the don't do a double take if you notice a lot of airbrush and leather mixed with denim floating is the newer generation getting in touch with the past...always happens with the youth right? any whoos...

If you happen to stumble upon our blog by a way of error, please stay and welcome to your first blogging experience with VCD - just a side note the 1/2 in Cali does mostly all the blogging (...just a warning can be a wild ride).

Since it is the new year, one of our new year's resolution happens to be for us to become more active in our blogging efforts. All that goodie goodie fashion knowledge we have stored up over the years seems as if it is going to waste, (this is half fictional as even though we don't blog it as much as we like... we do like to voice it in other areas). But we figure why not start an attempt to blog about it, we have this fancy blog here, sometimes we play games of how to wear something...and we want to continue that fun.

One thing we could blog about is that we like sales, we have fashion tips and ways to save money...Oh my. (I think I personally myself, the 1/2 Cali version of VCD gets excited just thinking about it.) Then again it could be because I am a shopping whore. I can pretty much find a reason to shop anytime and anywhere, just like the Janet Jackson song. Yes and just like the Ms. Jackson, I don't care who's around, if it is meant to be brought, I am buying it. My motto if it isn't in my size but someone else, I'll buy it for them as I am a good shopping friend and know the shopping rules of a sale, if it is a good deal and it is in your friend's size buy it for them, they will thank you for it. :)

Just two days ago I brought a few lovely pairs of shoes from Tar-jay for the other half of VCD in Denver (that’s how us shopping connoisseur pronounce Target - very bourgeois-like). Sad thing is I only went to Tar-jay to begin with to get some hair care supplies, talk about being lucky (depending on how you view it, some people call it a problem but I call them the fashion challenged).

So since it is a new year - question...what would you guys like to hear us blog about this year as we will attempt to do more of flexing our blogging skills...

*Please note that any request to blog about celebrity fashion will not 1/2 of VCD isn't that big into caring about the lives of celebs and does not condone their tackiness and lack of style on anyone...a majority of them just spread bad fashion that the fashion challenged world follow and start to wear, which explains the high levels of women in uggh boots in 90 degree weather, the exception to the rule is if we are using celebs as an example (sometimes we must discuss their taste though... just as there as some celebs who fashion sense I just adore, they truly rock ...but most of them don't...just my opinion)*

One thing I would like to add to the blog is a weekly game section...
today's game...

decipher the fashion quote. :) Style-cryptogram

"Pk lzi’ev xzpbx yz cpmv qpyd py, lzi dgmv yz czmv py,… Vmvel ydpbx ydgy

uzqvj pbyz ql gfgeyqvby. P dgmv yz ijv.” ~ Gbbg Jip

(Hint - K = F ) therefore where there is ‘k’ replace with the letter ‘f’

*answer will be displayed on Friday....until then *** stay strong and beautiful as you manage to survived the work week.

Peace & Love


Keli said...

I would like to see some about town fashion... maybe if you have pics that you've taken of some fashionitas out and about.

Some pointers on keeping our natural locks hair fabulous...I'm struggling with my mane right now, thinking about just shaving it all off! ugh! But I want to keep growing it to anyone that says natural hair is for the lazy!

And yes, give us shopping pointers please! I've deprived myself for so long I don't know how to shop it seems. I have been trying to shoe shop for the past 2 weeks...yet to buy a pair. Everything I see that I like (that's on sale) is not in my size :(

I did however manage to buy a black wrap dress, and two blouses from Old Navy for a grand total of $37...score!

Ok, enough with the book, but as you may see, fashion is my vice...or my anti-drug one.

brwn_eyes_brwngirl said...

I will definitly stalking the fashionistas around town

Natural hair, we can do since one one of us has dreds and the other has an afro. I must admit all us naturals do know that our hair takes a lot of work. :)

Good to see you come around.