Monday, February 1, 2010

Morning Wood.

Answer to the fashion crypto-gram...

"If you're going to live with it, you have to love it, ... Everything that comes into my apartment, I have to use.” ~ Anna Sui

So since we last left I was asking of ideals for the blog...what you wanted to see more of and what not.

Well this one is short and simple and is about good wood. Not the kind 88 Keys was refering to in the song Morning Wood - when you are only good when you start off on the right foot and she takes care of the .....* well you know *

Great thing is, since we got a nice little Jesus piece made by Good Wood NYC

courtesy of Combat Jack....we wanted to give away our own little piece of Good Wood and spread that good wood joy and feeling. So we are giving away the diamond piece for v-day with a purse.

What do you have to do to get it, post a love quote in the comment section (could be one you made up or it could be someone else thoughts on love)...simple isn't it. Do that before v-day and you have a chance to be winner...wwwwhhhhooooo hhhoooo :)

peace until the next blog.


brwn_eyes_brwngirl said...

no comments...huh...I guess I get the diamonds..

Heather said...

You have to get back on your twitter game. Lets get some ppl back on our cool blog.